求一篇关于玩具设计的玩具论文 要外文的 带译文~~,哪里有卖狼的毛绒玩具?

求1篇关于玩具设计的玩具论文 要外文的 带译文~~

1、求1篇关于玩具设计的玩具论文 要外文的 带译文~~

1 image design introduction MR. DongGuo design originated from the master dongguo and Wolf "story, stylist will terrorist Wolf image, evil and the kind of master dongguo smoothie compassion combined pack book sacks, also give poor helpless vivid expression, thus completely reversed the Wolf in people's hearts eternal image: a small Wolf hid in sacks, head out, revealing a pair of delicate and touching appearance, let each see his people palpitates... 2 implies that MR. DongGuo is "master dongguo and the Wolf this traditional folk stories of wolves and MR dongguo two image of abstract combination and, therefore, he also owns the two sides character, as we father, brother, boyfriend, or is our own, but also combative as: tender; Bossy, but also kind; He is the son of his ambitions with Wolf, workplace, all-powerful, he is that good no nonsense approach to Mr. He, in life honesty and lovely, thrifty... 3 materials that MR. J material selection of DongGuo is very exquisite. Head of the extra soft plush since needless to say, is the most common and fluffy toys most classic fabric; Sacks fabrics, stylist is new dye-in-the-wood here spent a lot of mind, this is called "imitation hemp" fabrics, not only has and true hemp identical knitting texture and relaxed breathable characteristics, the more than traditional linen material like real smooth and soft, never coarse ZaShou; like flax As for filling materials, besides plush toys commonly used high quality cotton outside, MR. PP DongGuo is adopted nowadays is the most popular bamboo charcoal, don't see bamboo charcoal ordinary, it not only can absorb dust, filter air, the more can play anti-static and anti-radiation function oh! 4 functional explain A. toy function, MR. DongGuo is a toy, not only cute fun, can still fun. After many anime and toy exhibitions, we often see such scene: in our booth, five or six years before the children DongGuo by MR. Asked her mother this is the Wolf? My mother a see DongGuo two words, he could help give children speak up the master dongguo and Wolf "story... See such a sight, and we really urgent hope we can create more and better full of narrative of toys, children with the berth, let all the mother in every night can take our toys for the children stories... B. bamboo charcoal function, MR. Within DongGuo charcoal bag filled with moisture, and deodorization, and purify the air, anti-static, radiation, and other functions, you can need according to yours, to put it in the wardrobe, inside the luggage/suitcase, shoes, cars, or computer inside edge... C. cultural function, MR. DongGuo is more than just a toy, a pack of bamboo charcoal, is a story, an image. If you want your boyfriend with Wolf in career ambitions, son in front of you yet, MR. Well, that's what, hurriedly send he hesitated a MR. DongGuo! 1形象设计简介 MR.东郭的设计源自《东郭先生和狼》的故事,设计师将邪恶恐怖的狼形象,与善良慈悲的老好人东郭先生的装书麻袋相结合,同时赋予可怜无助的生动表情,从而彻底扭转了狼在人们心中千古不变的形象:1只小狼藏在麻袋中,探出脑袋,露出1副楚楚可怜的样子,让每1个见到他的人都怦然心动…… 2寓意说明 MR.东郭是《东郭先生和狼》这1传统民间故事中的狼与东郭先生两个形象的抽象结合,因此,他同时拥有着两面的性格,正像我们的爸爸、哥哥、男朋友,也或者就是我们自己1样:凶悍,却也温柔;霸道,却也善良;他是那个充满狼子野心的他,在职场上叱咤风云,雷厉风行,他又是那个好好先生的他,在生活中老实可爱,勤俭持家…… 3材料说明 MR.东郭的材料选用十分讲究。头部的超柔毛绒自不用多说,是毛绒玩具中最常见也最为经典的面料;麻袋的面料可谓新意十足,设计师在这儿花了不少的心思,这种叫做“仿麻”面料,不仅具有和真麻1模1样的编织纹理和清爽透气的特性,更比传统麻料光滑柔软,绝不会像真麻那样毛糙扎手;至于填充材料,除了毛绒玩具常用的优质PP棉外,MR.东郭更是采用了时下最受欢迎的竹炭,别看竹炭不起眼,它不仅能吸附尘埃,过滤空气,更能起到防静电和防辐射的功能哦! 4功能性说明 a.玩具功能,MR.东郭是1个玩具,不仅可爱有趣,还能寓教于乐。在多次动漫及玩具展会上,我们常常看到这样1幕:在我们的展位前,56岁的孩子指着MR.东郭问妈妈这是大灰狼吗?妈妈1看到东郭2字,便情不自禁地给孩子讲起了《东郭先生和狼》的故事……看到这样的情景,我们真的迫切希望我们能设计出更多更好的充满故事性的玩具,堆满孩子的床头,让所有的妈妈在每个晚上都能拿着我们的玩具给孩子讲故事…… b.竹炭功能,MR.东郭内填充的竹炭包具有除湿、除臭、净化空气、防静电、防辐射等功能,您可以根据您的需要,将它放在衣柜里、行李箱内、鞋子内、汽车里头,或是电脑边…… c.文化功能,MR.东郭不仅仅是1个玩具,1包竹炭,更是1个故事,1个形象。要是你想让你的男友在事业上充满狼子野心,在你面前却又是好好先生,那还犹豫什么,赶紧送他1个MR.东郭吧!。






《1只男孩女孩都喜欢的玩具狼》告诉了我们玩具可以让人玩的很开心,但是不能和我们交流,不能像正常的朋友1样交往,还要学会面对现实。 文中有这样1段话,男孩们特别喜欢这样的玩具狼,他们说这狼又勇敢又漂亮,还很善良好棒啊。女孩们呢也喜欢这样的玩具狼,你说奇怪不,他们叽叽喳喳的说这狼比有些粗鲁的,不讲礼貌的还老想欺负小姑娘的男生要可爱多了。




保卫羊村 驯化狼的速度 22以上的有哪些

5、保卫羊村 驯化狼的速度 22以上的有哪些

盗墓老430。驯鹿宝宝狼30。灰狼宝宝30。防爆狼25。沙漠死神狼25。玩具小丑22。绿洲狼妹28。圣诞灰狼22。鞭炮鲍姆26。美狼鱼30。迟钝狼25。杨6郎26。贵族狼30。 吸血鬼狼22。海豹突击狼31。玩具小丑王25。笨狼灯26。



1.《装备之家》(豆浆文·火湖) 2.《小小神奇家园》(微木文·凉窝) 3.《神奇玩具城》(狼叔传说·心梦) 4.《玩具大师》(蜂王文·苍蓝) 5.《机械小公主》(铃木石·艾芙) 6.《宝藏探险小旅行》(夏英文·柯洛威) 7.《宇宙最强玩具店》(佐藤金田·风景) 8.《未来玩具商店》(森下友子·绮加) 9.《小小魔法天使》(乃香敦志·米苏) 10.《秘密玩具房》(山本蝶美·织乃)。
